Look at the time of establishment. The establishment time of translation companies is very important for translation companies, because only when they are established for a long time, can they accumulate a large number of translator resources, translation language database and excellent translation service process, and only with these factors can they ensure the smooth completion of all aspects of translation documents.
看办公环境。 由于很多翻译公司都是一些小公司,更有甚者是一些夫妻式的小作坊,客户在找寻翻译公司时要对此做一定的考量。办公点环境的好坏也是一个翻译公司实力的体现。翻译作为一种服务,佃公地点是很重要的,便捷的办公室地方能够让客户更轻松的上门洽谈、交接文件及盖章,节省客户的时间。另外,办公地点也可以判断一家翻译公司是否通过工商部门批准注册。如果客户选择一家没有注册的公司来服务,不要说无法保证翻译质量,甚至会涉及法律风险,给自己带来不必要的麻烦。
Look at the office environment. Because many translation companies are small companies, and even some husband and wife style small workshops, customers should take this into consideration when looking for translation companies. The office environment is also a reflection of the strength of a translation company. As a kind of service, the public place is very important. The convenient office place can make it easier for customers to come to discuss, hand over documents and seal, and save customers' time. In addition, the office location can also determine whether a translation company is approved for registration by the industrial and commercial department. If a client chooses a company that is not registered to provide services, it can not guarantee the quality of translation, or even involve legal risks, which will bring unnecessary troubles to the client.
See the service process. The service process of a translation company is the decisive condition to ensure the smooth completion of the work. Without a standardized service process, a qualified translation service cannot be provided. To provide a standardized process, there must be sufficient personnel guarantee. If the internal division of labor is not clear and there are several positions, how can we provide professional services for our customers. At the same time, different translation services should have different translation service processes, for the obvious is translation and interpretation (simultaneous interpretation, alternative interpretation, telephone interpretation, etc.).
看翻译方式。翻译公司的翻译方式就目前来讲,翻译公司的翻译方式 有人工翻译、机器翻译、翻译软件以及网站点的地方化等等。客户在与翻译公司相关人员咨询时,一定要问清楚翻译公司所采用的翻译方式,同时客户也应该表明自己的立场,即自己所选择的翻译方式。

Look at the translation. At present, the translation methods of translation companies include manual translation, machine translation, translation software and localization of websites. When consulting with the relevant personnel of the translation company, the client must be clear about the translation method adopted by the translation company, and at the same time, the client should also state his own position, that is, the translation method he chooses.
It depends on the number of full-time translators. The full-time translator translation industry is a service industry. The products it sells are intangible, and many jobs can be completed by using the network, which leads to some translation companies taking advantage of it, only using part-time staff to work. There are no full-time staff in the company, or very few full-time staff. At present, it is generally recognized that the number of full-time translators is the fundamental embodiment of the strength of translation companies. A simple judgment is that the more professional translators there are, the more powerful they are.